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A range of original and lovingly restored die-cast models. A life time obsession captured for prosperity.  

Our Models - For Sale...

Why we are here...

The Small Car Shop is a tribute to my Dad. Each of the cars here are testament to his hobbies. You'll find ranges of Original, boxed trucks (Exclusive First Edition, Tekno, Herpa) which he collected as part of his life-long involvement with transport and logistics. Some of these trucks that appear in the blog, will never be sold as the memories of watching him are too strong. The others are available for sale in the shop, to enable other enthusiasts the chance to expand their collections.

The Dinky collection are available to buy, the majority of which have been restored by my Dad, before his untimely death in 2000. This site has been designed for me to create a memoir to my Dad, in order that the grand children he made the collection for can understand more about the man they sadly never had chance to know. He always said that this collection was his grand childrens inheritance. After 18 years, the time has come to document the history and share these models. 

Happy viewing and if you have any questions, do drop me an email. Thanks Daryl

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